Your gift can help take us past the 60% milestone. Please consider a contribution.
From Burns Hargis,
OSU President & Sigma Nu Alumni,
“I applaud the launching of the capital campaign for the Epsilon Epsilon Sigma Nu Chapter House of which I will be a part. I do hope my fellow graduates of the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter will respond to the capital campaign with the degree of generosity that reflects an appreciation of what Sigma Nu has done for them as well as a desire to see the Chapter be a positive factor in the lives of young men for generations to come.”

A Milestone.
We are fast approaching a significant moment in our chapter’s history in 2020 - our 100th anniversary! This milestone creates pause to reflect on the foundation of excellence built at the hands of our Brothers and the responsibility to perpetuate this level of excellence for the next 100 years.
Excellence Expected
The next generation of our fraternity House will serve as a visual representation of our ideals. For each year we remain in the current facility, we lose competitive ground in recruiting young men who excel in academics, leadership, athletics and campus activities at Oklahoma State University - where these Sigma Nu qualities have reigned supreme for nearly our entire tenure on campus.

Developing Leaders
We have been called the top house in our national footprint and at Oklahoma State University. Becoming a Sigma Nu at Oklahoma State is more than a four-year college experience...it is a lifelong commitment. It is also a platform which helps shape future leaders in every American industry. The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter has provided a rich environment for investing in its descendants of men, and now is the time to give back and invest in those men who have yet to enter our walls. And to extend our walls we must first move them and build them.

Want to Know More?
Our campaign committee is eager to speak with you and share more details and opportunities to engage with this historic campaign.
Give to our National Foundation? Your donations will assist the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation to secure and provide enduring resources in support of the Fraternity’s educational and charitable missions. Give here.
Questions? Please call 540.463.1030 or email foundation@sigmanu.org.